The purpose of Title II, Part A is to increase student academic achievement consistent with the challenging state academic standards; improve the quality and effectiveness of teacher, principals, and other school leaders; increase the number of teachers, principals, and other school leaders who are effective in improving student academic achievement in schools; and provide low-income and minority students greater access to effective teachers, principals, and other school leaders.
Uses of Funds
- Develop, implement, and improve rigorous, transparent, fair evaluation and support systems
- Support the effective recruitment, selection, hiring and retention of effective educators
- Recruit qualified individuals from other fields to become educators
- Provide high-quality personalized professional development that is evidence-based
- Develop programs and activities that increase educators’ ability to meet the needs of all learners
- Carrying out in-service training for school personnel
- Develop feedback mechanisms to improve the school’s working conditions
- Carry out other evidence-based activities that meet the purpose of this title.
Allowable Expenses
- Developing and implementing new teacher, principal, or other school leader induction and mentoring programs
- Providing high-quality professional development that is evidence-based for educators on activities such as effectively engaging parents, families and community partners, promoting high-quality instruction in STEM, etc.
- Developing and implementing strategies to improve the hiring and retention of a diverse workforce
- Providing in-service training to all school personnel regarding how to recognize child sexual abuse, trauma, and mental illness, linking children to appropriate services, and addressing issues related to school conditions
- Providing training to support the identification of gifted and talented students and instructional practices that support the education of such students
NOTE: Funds made available under Title II, Part A shall be used to supplement, not supplant, any other federal, state, or local education funds.